showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands SSI (SSI Special Projects Group)? adnd alienplanet arid bronzeage-theme cdrom charactercreation darksun dnd group insectoids inventory keyboard magic monsters mouse psychicpowers psychics serious sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice turnbasedcombat uvl-tiein walking wasteland labelminimizeminimize
Phantasie SSI (Andromeda Software)1987 charactercreation classbased combatmode encounters-random gnomes goblinoids magic monsters phantasie shopping sorcery undead weefolk xp-kills labelimageminimize
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus SSI (Westwood Studios)1987 charactercreation classbased combatmode dataimport dismemberment dragons encounters-random gnomes goblinoids groupcreation locationaldamage magic monsters phantasie shopping sorcery undead weefolk xp-kills labelimageminimize
Alternate Reality: The City Datasoft;Electronic Arts (IntelliCreations)1988 charactercreation combatmode dungeoncrawler gridmove sciencefantasy labelimagesubject
Demon's Winter  SSI;ECP (Novotrade)1989 charactercreation combatmode dwarves elves feelies grid grid-square group humans illusionarywalls magic mapdeficient resting sorcery trolls weefolk labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing (Inside Out Software)1990 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem labelimageminimize
4D Sports Boxing  Mindscape;Electronic Arts (Distinctive Software)1991 3.5disk boxing career charactercreation joystick keyboard mouse savemedia labelimagesubject
Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom MicroProse;Rainbird (Maelstrom Games)1991 aerodyne aeroplane aircushionvehicle airship biplane bus charactercreation firearms hotairballoons island jeep jetpack midwinter-series parachuting propellerplane speedboat stippletransparency submarine swimming tank tanks train truck underwaterdiving walking labelimageminimize
Millemiglia  Simulmondo1991 1920s 3.5disk charactercreation enduranceracing italy joystick motorracing motorsport mouse labelimagesubject
3D World Tennis Simulmondo1992 3.5disk career charactercreation joystick maleprotagonist mouse racquetsports savemedia tennis tournament labelimagesubject
Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon  SSI (Westwood Studios)1992 adnd bows cartoonbones charactercreation classbased crazedanimals disguisedtriggers DnD dungeon dungeoncrawler eob eob-engine femaleprotagonist forest forgottenrealms genderchoice gridmove hunger illusionarywalls inventory lockpicking magic maleprotagonist medieval multiclassing oneeyedcreatures pressureplates resting serious sorcery spellmemory temple throwanything uvl-tiein labelimagesubject
Gateway to the Savage Frontier SSI;U.S. Gold (Beyond Software)1992 adnd charactercreation dnd encounters-timed goldboxengine pascal rpg savagefrontier labelimageminimize